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What Are The General Divorce Divorce Statistics

General Divorce Divorce Statistics

Divorce rates have increased significantly since no fault divorces became more widely accepted in the United States. In early American History, divorce rates suggested that less than five percent of marriages ended in divorce. Currently, approximately 50% of married couples in the United States end up getting a divorce. There are many factors that influence those statistics, but many people claim that it is due to couple's ability to file in the absence of grounds for divorce.

In the past, specific legal grounds for divorce included adultery, alienation of affection, abuse, and very few other violations of the marriage contract. In fact, couples getting a divorce had to provide valid proof as to their grounds for divorce. In addition, those couples were forced to take part in accusation and blame, which were often baseless and included perjury. Many times, those couples were filled with a sense of guilt and depression while getting a divorce and even once the process was completed. Often, those couples were unable to remain amicable. In addition, the 'innocent' party often ended up with a larger percent of the marital assets even though neither party had actually violated the marital contract.

In response to the frequency of spousal abuse, murder, and court testimony that involved perjury, many judges sought to allow couples to divorce in the absence of grounds for divorce. In fact, couples in almost every state are now able to take part in a no fault divorce. Many times, couples that utilize this type of divorce are able to remain amicable and continue to raise their children through mutual cooperation. In fact, many of these couples are able to reach a divorce settlement in the absence of court intervention. These couples also save a lot of money by avoiding litigation and the necessity of frequent and expensive legal representation.

In addition, these couples are granted a divorce much faster than those involved in contested divorces. Getting a divorce in the absence of grounds for divorce, also allows couples to avoid the emotional and psychological trauma generally associated with litigation. Generally, getting a divorce this way allows couples to save time, money, and avoid many stress inducing scenarios. Due to that fact, many more people are getting a divorce in the absence of legal grounds for divorce. In fact, more couples are parting due to general irreconcilable differences.

Getting a divorce has become much simpler than in the past. An increase in the divorce rates has been statistically matched to the simplicity of the process. In fact, the rate of no-fault divorces continues to increase across the United States. There are lawmakers seeking to overturn the legal ability of these types of divorces in hopes that couples will try harder to make their marriage work. In fact, many people claim that quick divorces allow couples to separate before they have carefully considered other options. In the meantime, the rate of divorce has consistently remained at nearly 50%, with many of those divorces being no-fault divorces.

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