When an individual is filing for alimonyin the past. There are several factors that are considered by a judge when deciding whether or not to award alimony. There are only a few set alimony laws and statutes. Because of this, it is up to each individual family court judge to decide whether a spouse should get alimony. One factor that is considered is the length of time that a couple has been married for. The longer a couple has been married, the more likely a spouse is to be awarded some form of alimony when filing for divorce.
If the marriage only lasts for a short period of time, alimony laws make it difficult for a spouse to collect alimony. A short marriage is generally considered to be one that lasts less than five years. However, some states, such as Texas, have alimony laws in place that requires a marriage to last for at least ten years before a spouse can be awarded alimony. Sometimes, the length of the marriage is not as important as whether or not the couple has children. If a couple filing for divorce has children, especially young children, the spouse with physical custody is more likely to be awarded alimony.
There are times when alimony laws allow for a spouse to receive alimony whether they have had a lengthy or brief marriage. Since alimony laws are not clear, judges must rule on a case by case basis. A judge may decide that the circumstances of a marriage warrant alimony payments, even if the marriage was short. The number of years that alimony must be paid may also depend on the length of the marriage. A spouse who is filing for divorce after 20 years of marriage may get permanent alimony. A spouse filing for divorce after five years may get temporary alimony for a set number of years, which allows them to get back on their feet.
Alimony laws may grant spousal support whether the couple has been married a long time. However, it is much more likely that a spouse in a long term marriage will be awarded alimony payments then a spouse in a short marriage.
NEXT: What Are The Difficulties of Alimony