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Understanding The Child Support Payments Formula

Child Support Payments Formula

One factor that is considered is the income of each parent. A parent who has a large income will be ordered to pay a much higher amount then one with a low income.

The general rule is that a non-custodial parent who makes less than $13,000 per year, or more than $80,000 have a special set of rules they must abide by. A child support worksheet to figure out how to figure out the amount to be paid that the state usually is judged by income, number of children involved and how much the average family spends to take care of children they have.

Since state guidelines generally have the final say in creating their child support formula, an individual can get more information about the child support formula that will govern the amount they must pay or receive when they check with the state.

Many states will have their own child support worksheet that one can fill out on the Internet to get an idea of what child support payment amount to expect. Different factors are plugged into this child support worksheet, such as income. A number is then calculated from the results of those factors. However, this is only a rough estimate and other factors may change this amount drastically when the family court finalizes the details of the child support

When calculating a child support formula, state laws take certain things into account regarding the parent responsible for the payment. It is important to point out that many states also go by a percentage of the parent's income, and this percentage amount is usually 17%. However, no one can really be sure how much child support they will be paying until the child custody case has been closed.

The amount of child support that one is ordered to pay usually does not include The basis for the child support formula is fairness. The courts do agree that both parents should take part in financially supporting the child. A child support worksheet can help one figure out an estimate of what a parent's legal financial contribution will be.

NEXT: What Are Child Support Payments

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