A Short Guide to Minnesota Alimony Calculators
What is a Minnesota alimony calculator?
A Minnesota alimony calculator is meant to assist individuals in estimating their alimony costs. It uses a fixed formula based on state or county laws. Unfortunately, Minnesota’s alimony laws are so lax that no fixed formula is possible. But that doesn’t mean individuals can’t perform the tasks of a Minnesota alimony calculator themselves by researching Minnesota’s alimony laws.
Will a Minnesota alimony calculator be necessary?
Before you research any further into finding an alimony calculator for Minnesota, you should assure yourself that alimony is warranted. Minnesota law requires that one of two conditions be met in order for alimony payments to be deemed necessary:
1. Either one party lacks the property to provide for their own needs in the aftermath of the divorce settlement and the division of the shared property, OR
2. one party cannot provide for their own needs, reflected in the marriage’s standard of living, through employment. This unemployability may be because they themselves are unemployable or because they have custodial duties which make full employment untenable.
What factors influence a Minnesota alimony calculator?
In order to approximate the estimate of a Minnesota alimony calculator, you must consider all the factors affecting alimony in the state. Those elements are listed in Minnesota Statute 518.552, which you can read here.
Answer these questions derived from Minnesota Statute 518.552. The more you answer “Yes,” the higher your alimony payment is likely to be.
1. Are the financial resources of one party significantly greater than the financial resources of the other? Consider marital property allotted in the Divorce Settlement as well as child support payments.
2. Is there a significant amount of time required for one spouse to gain the education or training needed to find appropriate employment?
3. Is one spouse too old to rejoin the work force?
4. Is one spouse because of a physical or mental disablement incapable of rejoining the workforce?
5. Was a high standard of living enjoyed during the marriage?
6. Did the marriage last five years or longer? Ten years? Twenty years?
7. Was employment ever abstained from by one spouse so as to see to domestic activities or the raising of children?
8. Is the spouse with the higher income able to support their own standard of living while supporting the other spouse through alimony payments?
9. Did the lower income spouse contribute significantly to the acquisition, preservation, or appreciation of shared marital property? Did the higher income spouse contribute to the depreciation of shared marital property?
10. Did the lower-income spouse contribute significantly to the household as either a homemaker or an enabler of the other spouse’s career?
Can a Minnesota alimony calculator estimate the duration of an order?
Spousal support may be deemed temporary or permanent, and it is entirely at the judge’s discretion which it will be. Most marriages of 20 years of longer result in permanent alimony awards, while spouses in short marriages may only get rehabilitative alimony to help them obtain the adequate education to rejoin the workforce.